Magnolia trees and then Spring

Birds singing in the early morning.
Pastel skies on your way to work.
A gentle, but still cold wind. 
When you lift your chin, petals dancing up above.
The faint smell of flowers in your nose.
Magnolia trees.


Have you ever been standing at the very edge of a cliff?
Looking down on the gush of water below you. Slowly pulling back, only to push back against the foot of the cliff even more powerful than before.
The sound of the wind in your ears, your hair softly swaying. 
It must be at least 30 meters. Or even 50 meters? 

Quest for Happiness or 2017

Schloss Schönbrunn

More activities, more sports.
Cooking healthier, feeling good.
Less pessimism. Dream big and then make those dreams come true.
More love. For us all. Share it, spread it, receive it. And repeat.
Less anger, stress, fear - let it go, quickly.
Let's inspire each other.
Every day is a good day.

Christmas feasts and winter fabric favourites

Christmas Hedge

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree! 
How are thy leaves so verdant! 
Not only in the summertime, 
But even in winter is thy prime.

About cinnamon and loopholes in December

Nude jumper and black coated leggings

Advent, Advent ein Lichtlein brennt.
Erst eins, dann zwei..

Der Duft nach Bratapfel, Vanille und Zimt.
Gebrannte Mandeln.
Eine dampfende Tasse Glühwein.
Und Kekse, Sonne, Mond und Sterne.

Autumn aims and above all: Hope.

Ash blonde and shorts
Whenever the leaves start to fall,
red and yellow spots here and there,
a sea of colour at my feet.

Whenever the wind blows stronger than before,
bringing a familiar chill to my skin.
I wrap my coat tighter.

When the world is preparing its bed for the long sleep, I start to reminisce about the past year.

I took a pill in Ibiza..

Palm trees Ibiza

..could be one of the things people coming back from Ibiza say.

We stayed out of it, I assure you (which was a rather difficult task to do with every five minutes someone offering you the whole drug palette), nevertheless I feel as if I have indeed taken some pill.
Namely the "relax pill", which led me straight to holiday paradise.
More so, a pill, which never quite let me leave paradise.